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Working on a Deskbike promotes concentration and productivity

Scientific research at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) confirms what we at Ergo-Advice have long suspected: working on a Deskbike has a positive effect on work performance and promotes concentration.

In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on creating dynamic workplaces and avoiding prolonged sitting. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to use the Deskbike, a bicycle that is placed under a height-adjustable desk and with which you can perform your tasks while cycling, as a change from sitting still for long periods of time.

There was no doubt about the effectiveness of the Deskbike in avoiding prolonged sitting, but many people wondered whether we could maintain the same productivity and concentration while cycling while working. VUB research now provides clarity on this subject.

The researchers tested whether the study participants could maintain the same typing speed while cycling. The short-term memory, reaction speed and concentration of the cycling participants were also compared with the participants who worked on a regular office chair.

The results were very positive for the Deskbike. The researchers found that typing speed and short-term memory remained at the same level when people cycled while working. In fact, reaction speed was noticeably better among the cycling participants in the study!

The researchers conclude that working on a Deskbike not only benefits physical health through more exercise during work, but also improves alertness and productivity. The only thing that deteriorates from working on a Deskbike are the health risks of sitting for long periods of time while working!
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